Tuesday, 12 November 2013

This Christmas...

Christmas is almost here. I feel life slows down and  takes a break during Christmas. I find it the most unique here in The United Kingdom. The Christmas season is like a visit by a very beloved friend. It keeps us waiting  with  joyous anticipation which grows incessantly as the season gets nearer. The whole feeling is strangely romantic. Then, just like valediction from a close friend, there's always a sense of withdrawn melancholy when its all over ..We wait for another twelve months to fly by .. and it does...as if it was all just yesterday...

This Christmas , we will slow down again. Take stock of our loved ones, miss those who are not here with us and welcome the new comers into our families.. Make resolutions for the new year, eat, drink and hang up our boots even if its just for the moment.

On the other side of our planet , joined to us with the invisible thread of humanity, people will be struggling. As the shock of the devastation evaporates, the frail children, men and women will be busy putting their nests together. While we will be thinking of roast dinners and parties,they will be worrying about shelter and survival.Lets stop and share the spirit of Christmas this year with the people of Philippines. Lets make this season extra special. Lets be mindful of food wastage and give away what we don't need or use. Its one earth and we are one people...

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Flavours of Syria..

Syrian red lentil soup...
Flavours of Syria is a humble effort from our team to contribute to the huge humanitarian crisis in the region. Food habits of a race is always a true reflection of the cultural splendour of a region. Syria is a classic illustration. The diffusion of Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian and Christian cultures has produced an astounding and diverse cuisine. My research into Syrian dishes was an eye-opener to the fact that minus the tags of ethnicity, beliefs, colour and origin..we humans are so similar. The urge to live, dine and feast is inherent to our genetic make up.
We have tried  to create some classic Syrian dishes such as "Makdous-pickled stuffed eggplant in olive oil", "Sharhat mtfay -  Lemon garlic thin steaks" and "Roz Bhaleeb-Syrian rice pudding" as apart of our flavours of Syria menu.
Should the world take military action against Syria? I do not know. All I have learnt is that "two wrongs do not make a right". Will never do. There has to be another way other than violence and bloodshed.
My heart goes out to the people of Syria.